How did we connect?

Nass festival 06/06/18
I was attending the festival as it is the local to me as I'm based in Wiltshire. I saw Bugzy was on the bill and thought I'd give it a shot and email explaining I wanted to make him some shoes. This was the first time I had ever done this, but I had nothing to lose.
To my surprise, someone on his team responded fairly quickly and we started getting a plan in motion. He explained his favourite shoe was the Nike TNs so it was a no brainer to do them.
0161 Nike TNs
I had just over a week to pull this off, so I hit up my friends at Cre8world to get all of Bugzy's logos made into embroidered patches. Bugz is very proud from where he is from, often stating it in his music such as "Manny on the map". He also outros a lot of songs with 0161, so I had to include that somewhere on the shoe.
Not only is he a talented musician, but also an entrepreneur with his own clothing line B. Malone. Knowing his love of his brand through listening to his music, I also included his logo on the back of the shoe. I made sure the custom was brand colours and added some fine red airbrush detailing over the shoe to complete the look. Here Is the finished shoe:
This pair is sentimental to me as there are a lot of firsts with this drop. My first time customising a TN, my first time meeting and giving someone I admire my work and the first time a celeb shouted me out!
He showed crazy love to a small artist right when I was starting out. I had only been customising (as a hobby) for a little over a year. This was also my first piece to go Viral.